What a wonderful week in the Sparrow house! We missed Luke terribly as he was in the "thumb" of Michigan, vacationing with friends, but happy for the opportunity for him and we still managed to have lots of fun. Thankfully, a few photos were posted on facebook so we could keep up with some of his adventures!

Our neighbor, Caitlyn, joined us for the fireworks over the lake on Saturday night. These were the best fireworks over Whitmore Lake in years! A gorgeous night, a DJ down on the beach playing music, leading contests, and counting down to the first beautiful explosion... perfection!
Well, we do call her "Parker-Pie" so I guess she is the best one to model with our Fourth-of-July-Pie!

I was cleaning and found this card from Mother's Day, made by Luke, my 16 year old. I love how he pegs each of us in a really cute way. <3

We did it! Morgan asked (two days beforehand!) if we could do a 5K together. I really thought we would walk it- after all, we did not train for this! I learned the hard way... train, warm up, and buy good running shoes. After x-rays, ice, elevation, and a couple of days on crutches, I am now eager to take on the next one... after a whole lot more training. :)

I love this guy! How happy it makes me to spend another Fourth of July with John in the hometown of our youth, to see old classmates, teachers, Kiwanis members, etc., and to share this community with our kids- we are blessed and thankful that we chose to have our "nest" here!!

Yes, Captain America chose the Whitmore Lake parade to attend...that's how cool we are.

Shot herself right in the face. I think it's time to start the blonde jokes.

Livingston County's Veteran of the Year, and my neighbor on the lake growing up: Butch Ely, carrying one of the flags.

I know my usual food-posting is a cupcake, but dinner was just so yummy last night. Even though it was 101 degrees yesterday, chili dogs on the deck with Sangria... REALLY good!
Such a cute card (:
Great post. What a happy celebration!
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