Friday, June 22, 2012

{pretty, happy, funny, real} This One is a Must-Read!

round button chicken


I love loading photos into the computer and finding that my girls have secretly borrowed my camera for one of their photography sessions. :)


Or we could title this one {jealous} since I didn't get to attend this little adventure. My husband turned into a 12 yr. old again, he was so happy to see the Tumbler in person (one of the vehicles in "Dark Knight Rises"). In fact, they stuck around for an hour and a half, just hoping to hear it start up when the event was over. They were not disappointed! J even recorded it for me (way-cool points on that one, John!!)...


I have to laugh at myself sometimes. I am a "Cupcake Station" addict! I have their flyer with all of the cupcake varieties on it and I am determined to try EVERY ONE.


OK, here's the "must -read" part!!! Our friends are working to expedite this little guy home from China to his new family and life-saving heart surgery. This is a very real and urgent need. He is in an orphanage where the surgery will not be provided. Will you *please* consider reading up on their story and donating to them through their blog?

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1:27

2 comments: said...

Thank you for posting a picture of Darren and about our journey to bring him home :)

John and Kelli said...

You're welcome!