Sunday, April 10, 2011

Exciting Times

Jalen will graduate this week- he will end his fifteen-year Explorers career on Friday night when he graduates at our annual Spring Extravaganza. He and I have been pretty emotional about it... very excited about his future plans, but sad that this part of his life is over. I keep finding myself thinking, "this is the last time he will ________", "only a few more weeks until _____ is over", etc. It's bringing lots of tears and reflection, but I am determined to make the most of this time. Explorers grads don't usually do the whole cap-and-gown thing, but I really wanted to see our group make a bigger deal out of all of our grads and this was a great year to start the ball rolling. ;)

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get the six seniors together for some photos for the yearbook and for Friday night's presentation. Here are a few of them that I just love!

Seniors, 2011... Erika, Jalen, Sarah, Michael, Christian, and Ian.

They prefer to think of these as "Jedi robes"...

...and these would be light sabers, of course! Christian plans to photoshop this pic. so that this will become an ultimate SW battle. ;)

Erika had to leave a little early- good thing, I'm not sure where they would have put her...

A goofy group of boys- I love it!!

Another favorite...

Next time I check in here, I hope to have some great photos from graduation... most likely with mascara smeared all down my cheeks. ;)

Have a great week!!

1 comment:

Amy E Ekblad said...

Great pictures! Congratulations!!