Twenty-three Christmases together and so much to be thankful for...

After mass, my mom and her hubby, JOHN, and my sister and her boyfriend, JOHN, joined me and JOHN and the kids for a wonderful evening. Seriously, Cait, did ya have to pick a JOHN?????

Christmas morning came way too early after only 4 hours of sleep. Parker's joy over these requested "dangly" earrings was so sweet and Morgan surprised her daddy by hugging several pieces of clothing and even a hair dryer! Daddy just didn't think Mo would really like the gifts I wanted to buy because they seemed too *practical* to him. He didn't realize that doing all of her shopping at Justice (the girly store) was *exactly* what she wanted!

Over Christmas Eve and Day, Immo and Dae Sick each called and I chatted with Won Kun via facebook (he will visit with his family in 2 weeks- is that enough time to learn Korean?!). I can't get over how much joy these students brought to us last year, and how much they continue to do so with their messages, phone calls, and visits. Why do they have to live on three different continents?????
Now for a fun week of home projects before the start of a new decade and oodles of schoolwork!
Merry CHRISTmas!!
Was Luke losing The Hat™ in the fight choreographed or not?
No, I believe that was unexpected, but I liked it! He seemed a little more free in his movements when he didn't have to worry about it anymore. :)
We're only one year ahead of you! We celebrated our 24th Christmas this past year... This year we'll have our 25th anniversary!
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