Miss Polk's "Intro to Worship Dance" class- Parker wowed us with her performance after years of being afraid to get on stage. Yay, Parker!! Here is a video of her awesome dance...
This is Morgan's 2nd year in worship dance. It is always a joy to watch her and her friends! This particular dance was a little more upbeat and fun and drew lots of applause :-) Check it out!....
Year three of theatrical combat training (a useful life skill, right?!)... Luke added some humor to his performance, fighting with Rachel over a candy cane. :-) (video link is below after Jalen's photo)

Also in his third year with Maestro Barbeau, Jalen has gotten very quick! I don't fight him anymore... I have video of him injuring me last summer and he is way too strong and too fast for me now! Here are both boys (in the 2nd and 3rd fights)...
Just this morning, I was asked where my kids went to school and upon hearing they are homeschooled the lady worried aloud that they may be too shy when they grow up.... Wait, I can't stop laughing!
It always seems to make it all better when people hear the kids are in a co-op (to get their apparently much-needed "socialization"). Explorers only meets 24 days per YEAR :-). The videos above represent the work done in just 12 one-hour classes. OK, except the advance stage combat... they met for two extra sessions since you better get it *right* when wielding swords!!
While the bulk of our schooling and "socialization" still happen in the home and out in real life, Explorers does serve several wonderful purposes for us... classes I can't or don't desire to teach, quality friendships for our kids and our family, and a day out once in a while so we don't stay in our jammies all day for school. :-) Just for fun, here's what the kiddos are signed up for next semester...
Jalen, grade 11:
Graphic Novel Academy (comic book story creation and illustration)
World Literature (just for FUN... he doesn't need more lit. credits but loves the class!)
Chemistry and Chem. lab
Drama- the Sound of Music, performing at U of M's Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in May
Advanced Theatrical Combat
Luke, grade 8:
Graphic Novel Academy
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Drama- Sound of Music
Advanced Theatrical Combat
Yearbook (his mom's class!)
Morgan, grade 5:
Fiber Arts
Mapping the World by Heart
Physics for Fun
Cool Crafts
Parker, grade 2:
Intro to Worship Dance
Around the World (geography)
Wonderfully Made (human body)
Fun and Games
Explorers has been a part of our lives for over 13 years and what a blessing it has been. For the first time, I am co-teaching middle and high schoolers in a yearbook class- teens are such a joy to work with! With Parker in 2nd grade now, I am looking forward to another 10 years or so of Explorers fun!