Sunday, April 26, 2009

A day at the zoo with our animals... err, children!

Won Kun already went to the Binder Park zoo with us last summer so he skipped out on us this time. It was a gorgeous day, except for the rainstorm on the way and then some sprinkles while we were there. In any case, it was a wonderful time together!

Loving our camera! We got many cool animal photos but this is one of our faves... the Mexican wolves.

Heading for Africa on the tram...

Morgan Ami entertaining us in Africa (with an Asian hat... typical.)

We thought we would never get the giraffes over to the feeding area. Something spooked them and they wouldn't come near us for a long time. I was *not* leaving until Lena got to feed a giraffe!

We found a couple of gorillas in the African outpost and took a photo. They didn't seem happy about it though.
"NO MORE PHOTOS, LADY!" (recognize that hat on that monkey's head?)
He started following us! A gorilla with a goofy old-man hat and red Converse... he got a LOT of attention from passers-by for the rest of the day. :-)

We are looking forward to many more zoo trips this summer and hope for many more beautiful days like this one!

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