Friday, December 19, 2008

Another TEEN in the house

We now have THREE teenage boys in the house! (Pray for us!) Seriously, Luke turned 13 on Monday and spent the entire morning creating his Facebook account. He has waited a looooong time to be old enough to sign up for it and he is already as addicted to it as I am! It's fun to see the kinds of photos, status updates, and comments he posts. He's quite a funny young man!
Oh, the anticipation waiting for his gift! He HAD to know what it would be since he has been begging for it for months. Originally, he wanted a puppy but I wanted a gift that didn't need to be potty-trained!
Even though he was expecting it, Lukey-Bear (can I still call him that?!) was very appreciative and thanked us throughout the day. He was very sweet. :-)

Korean Thunder, Won the Mon, The Kun Man, etc.

A great dream-come-true story for you...

Won Kun, our exchange student from S. Korea, plays soccer at home. He had never seen an American football game before August. He went out for our JV team, made VARSITY, and went on to break conference records in kicking!! Check out our awesome #3 in action...

All Conference team!!!

Won Kun was invited to a kickers' camp at Rutgers where college scouts were checking out the talent. If he can figure out how to continue playing football and improving his skills, he may have a university scholarship in his future somewhere in the states! Of course, we hope it will be nearby... I hear Univ. of Michigan needs some talent. :-)

BIG Snow and Cookies

We had a snow day today just for fun even though our kids certainly had no trouble walking to school (the kitchen table!)

First thing in the morning, Luke and Morgan went out with Zoe... we nearly lost our poor, short dog out there in the blizzard. :-)

In the evening, the kids and Caitlyn, our neighbor, went to John's sister's house for some sledding fun.

A little earlier in the day, we all took part in decorating CHRISTmas cookies...

Morgan was quite artistic with her cookies!

My precious "Parker Pumpkin Pie"

I'm thankful that several of my homeschooling friends posted notes on the internet that they were going to skip school today to make cookies and have some fun for the day. It was a wonderful day once I gave up on making the kids get anything "productive" done. OK, well I did make them shovel the driveway- but they had a lot of fun doing it!! Let's just call it Phys. Ed. class. :-)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Welcome To Our Nest

Welcome to the new edition of the Sparrow Family blog. Last year we started a blog right about this time and promptly failed to do anything with it after the holidays.
Our goal is to update it weekly or, well, knowing us, almost weekly. (We'll do our best!)

We've had an amazing 2008 and look forward to keeping you up to date with the latest happenings in our family.

Merry Christmas !!!