While purging the house is probably not, in itself, a very spiritual Lenten activity, I've spent a long time thinking about simplifying in many ways to make more "room" for the Lord in our home. Then just before Lent, I read a blog that had the "40 Bags in 40 Days" challenge. It was just what I needed! So we got started this week...
Christmas supplies, keepsake boxes, luggage, etc. are all waiting to see if they make the "cut." :)
(Want to buy a rocking chair? It *won't* survive the cut!)
Books, movies, games, school bins for each kid, and.... JUNK.
After an hour or two of work this afternoon, I already have boxes and boxes of books and curriculum to sell or give away (this is less than half of what I came up with)...
... and this looks to me like it should count as about 4 bags of trash, plus two more of donations we already removed. Ooh, it feels SO good! Just 34 bags to go.
Here's what we are aiming for- more peaceful areas like our prayer area. (Currently, it is purple for Lent- Parker is usually the one in charge of changing the cover to match the liturgical calendar. She does it so lovingly!)
Our kneeler, handmade for me by John's dad. <3
God bless,