The photo below was taken in September. These are all of the YFU exchange students at WLHS this year. We had NO idea how much we would grow to love all of these kids!
Last week, Dae Sick stayed with us (front and center in the photo) while his host mom was on vacation. While he was here, Lena (far left) needed a place to stay while YFU searched for a new host family for her. She stayed with us overnight... just long enough for Morgan to beg to keep her! Sooo, we now have a 16 yr. old girl from Brazil in the family! We are now the Brady Bunch with 3 boys and 3 girls and loving every minute of it! Wait, maybe not EVERY minute, but most of them... just wish I could get my girls to go to sleep. They only want Brazilian lullabies from their new big sister!!
We are very thankful for ALL of our kiddos! Our bio. four have really welcomed and embraced new siblings so easily and beautifully and Won Kun and Lena are such a wonderful addition to the family. We are all learning a lot about other cultures, beliefs, languages, etc. and having an awesome time in the process!